
Oral Hygiene Trend: Natural Oral Hygiene Products

In one of your recent trips to the grocery store, you’ve probably seen the increase in natural products. Natural deodorants, skincare, organic snacks, and even all-natural oral hygiene products. While the idea of all-natural toothpastes, mouthwashes, etc. sound appealing, are they as effective as what we’re used to?

According to Dentistry Today,

“The global market for oral hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpastes, and mouth rinses will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 3.29% from 2018 to 2022, according to Research and Markets.”

So, the demand for more natural ingredients and products is definitely true, but do the products work as well as traditional products?


March 21st, 2023

Posted In: Dental Health Tips

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So many things in our lives can be complicated and confusing – ordering for multiple people at Starbucks, figuring out dinners every week, finding a new doctor, filing your taxes, etc. We’re here to make the dental care aspect of your life easy and straightforward!

At Adams Dental Group, we’re accepting new patients and offering appointments for emergency dental treatment. Look no further and give us a call today to set up a routine appointment, get help for a dental emergency, or discover more about our services. If you’re a new patient, our website offers a convenient link to our new patient forms, along with helpful resources, more information on our dental emergency services, dental anxiety tips and tricks, and more.


June 14th, 2022

Posted In: Emergency Dental Care

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You’ve asked and we’re going to answer some of most common questions we get about Root Canal Treatment …

Keep reading to find out… What is a root canal? What are the symptoms? How can I avoid needing a root canal? And … is it gonna hurt?


January 7th, 2020

Posted In: Services | Procedures

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