When you meet a friend at a coffee shop, do you worry about the hot or cold drink on your teeth? Does the cold air or sour candy make your teeth hurt for a time? If so, you may be suffering from sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, is fairly common and can often be controlled by changing your oral hygiene routine or speaking with your dentist.
Dr. Travis A. Roberts, DDS August 31st, 2020
Posted In: Dental Health Tips
Tags: tooth sensitivity
Did you know that every year there’s a National Tooth Fairy Day? Knowing this, it made us think about the Tooth Fairy and all the traditions surrounding the tooth-stealing, money-giving, winged creature that our kids have grown to know and love.
The Tooth Fairy role can actually teach your children about good oral health, and so, it’s a fun tradition to get your kiddos excited about all things teeth!
Is this tradition good for kids? Find out more HERE.
Dr. Travis A. Roberts, DDS August 11th, 2020
Posted In: Dental Health Tips
Tags: childrens dental health, dental health awareness, oral health
Stress and anxiety can be a common occurrence in our society today. But what does it have to do with oral health and dentistry? Quite a lot, actually. Stress is one of the main factors of teeth grinding, often happening throughout the day and during sleep. A stressful or anxious situation can cause us to clench up and grind our teeth.
Here is an Overview of Teeth Grinding.
Dr. Travis A. Roberts, DDS July 28th, 2020
Posted In: Services | Procedures