
Dental pain is no small thing. In fact, tooth pain can ruin your day or put you in a bad mood. Sharp pain can make it difficult to concentrate at school or work, and extreme sensitivity can ruin mealtimes. What causes these frustrating tooth pains? Let’s take a closer look at the top five reasons for dental pain & toothaches and see when it’s time to visit your dentist!


September 28th, 2021

Posted In: Emergency Dental Care

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When you meet a friend at a coffee shop, do you worry about the hot or cold drink on your teeth? Does the cold air or sour candy make your teeth hurt for a time? If so, you may be suffering from sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, is fairly common and can often be controlled by changing your oral hygiene routine or speaking with your dentist.


August 31st, 2020

Posted In: Dental Health Tips
