Your oral health has a major effect on the overall health of your body, not just in your mouth. By maintaining healthy teeth and gums, you can make your body healthier from head to toe.
Bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay – by feeding on the sugars in the foods and drinks we consume – they leave behind the waste, in the form of a biofilm known as dental plaque.
Our mouths have lots of bacteria that is usually harmless. (Did you know that the bacteria in our body aids with digestion and other biological tasks?) However, if you do not brush or floss regularly, oral bacteria can reach dangerously high levels. When this happens, tooth decay, gum disease, and oral infections can be the nasty result.
Dr. Travis A. Roberts, DDS May 26th, 2020
Posted In: Periodontal | Gum Disease
Tags: dental exam, diabetes and oral health, gum disease, oral hygiene, periodontal disease
We hope this message finds you and your family in good health. Our dental family has been staying safe and working hard to help support our friends, family, and community while we have all been dealing with the pandemic.
We have also been spending time working together to ensure we are ready to safely resume seeing patients for their dental appointments as soon as possible, and we are excited to let you know that on Monday, May 11th we will be back to serve you!
Dr. Travis A. Roberts, DDS May 12th, 2020
Posted In: Services | Procedures
Tags: dental appointment, dental exam
It is no fun to have tooth pain. But, did you know that pain or swelling in your mouth, face or neck can mean several different things.
But what makes having tooth pain or a toothache the NUMBER ONE reason you need to see your dentist? Let’s discuss the Top Ten Symptoms or reasons why you are experiencing tooth pain:
Dr. Travis A. Roberts, DDS April 28th, 2020
Posted In: Emergency Dental Care
Tags: broken tooth, dental appointment, gum disease, toothache