
Is it possible, or fun, to avoid Halloween candy altogether? No! Have your candy and eat it too – while keeping your teeth in mind by avoiding oral health challenges, like sweet treats. Halloween is a great way to teach your kiddos some oral health tips and tricks to have a safe, cavity-free Halloween holiday. Here are some of our favorite tried and true candy tips:

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October 27th, 2020

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Periodontal disease (periodontitis), also known as Gum Disease, has been known as the leading cause of tooth loss in adults for quite some time. Unfortunately, the damage isn’t limited to just the mouth. Gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of serious degenerative diseases, like heart disease. Dr. Roberts and his expert team at Adams Dental Group joins dental professionals and practices around the country each September to celebrate National Gum Care Month.


September 30th, 2020

Posted In: Periodontal | Gum Disease



Did you know that every year there’s a National Tooth Fairy Day? Knowing this, it made us think about the Tooth Fairy and all the traditions surrounding the tooth-stealing, money-giving, winged creature that our kids have grown to know and love.

The Tooth Fairy role can actually teach your children about good oral health, and so, it’s a fun tradition to get your kiddos excited about all things teeth!

Is this tradition good for kids? Find out more HERE.


August 11th, 2020

Posted In: Dental Health Tips

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