When you have a bad night’s sleep, it causes a lot of problems … not only are you more tired than normal (and possibly crankier), but lack of good sleep can take a toll on more than your energy level. Now, imagine being woken up repeatedly each night for weeks, months or maybe years because you momentarily stop breathing!! If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, that’s what’s happening! Today, we want to talk about what this means to your body and overall health, not to mention … how sleep apnea effects your immune system. So, the big question is: Is Sleep Apnea Putting Your Immune System at Risk?


February 18th, 2020

Posted In: Sleep Apnea

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, the ASAA, one in three children are affected by childhood obesity. Excess weight can increase a child’s risk of sleep apnea, and an estimated 4% of all children, mostly between the ages of 2 and 8, suffer from sleep apnea. However, there are multiple causes for sleep apnea in children, with weight being one of the main causes in children and adults alike. With many treatment options available, such as healthy weight management, a tonsillectomy, or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), it’s very possible that sleep apnea can be cured for children.


December 17th, 2019

Posted In: Sleep Apnea

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Most of us know what it’s like to experience tiredness throughout the day. The afternoon slump hits and we’re all in dire need of a nap or a coffee break. But what if your tiredness is more than just an average daily experience? Your symptoms could be a sign of sleep apnea. According to The National Sleep Foundation, more than 18 million adults living in America are affected by the disorder – making it extremely common. That’s why we want to discuss the dangers of sleep apnea and how we can help.


November 12th, 2019

Posted In: Sleep Apnea

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