Before we really dive into the topic of “How to Get Rid of Bad Breath” … shouldn’t we figure out where bad breath comes from? Let’s start there.
There are many factors that can cause bad breath. Most of them involve changes to your oral health routine and are fairly simple to treat. However, more extensive care can be required to make a fresh start and eliminate the source of bad breath.
Medically called, halitosis can result from poor dental health habits and may be a sign of other health problems. The types of foods you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits can make it worse. The bad news is that 65% of Americans have halitosis. The good news is that it can be treated. So let’s look at the causes and explore how to get rid of bad breath.
Below are several of the most common causes:
Garlic and onions get a bad rap during this discussion, even when you brush, floss and use mouthwash, the odor of these foods are just covered up. They have to completely pass through your body before they completely go away. (I hate to break it to you, but coffee is on that list too!)
Dry mouth is a medical condition (also called xerostomia) that can cause bad breath. Necessary to moisten the mouth, saliva neutralizes the acids produced by plaque, washes away the dead cells that accumulate on your gums, tongue and cheeks. If they’re not removed, these dead cells will decompose and cause bad breath. Dry mouth may also be a side effect of salivary gland issues, several medications, or continuous breathing through the mouth. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water.
Food particles can remain in your mouth, if you don’t brush and floss your teeth daily. This helps bacteria grow between your teeth, around your gums and on your tongue. Brushing also removes plaque, a sticky substance that builds up on your teeth and causes odor. Plaque buildup can cause cavities and periodontal disease. The same can happen if your dentures are not properly cleaned or are not properly fitted. This causes bad breath. Antibacterial mouth rinses can help reduce bacteria in your mouth.
Smoking cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco-based products can also cause bad breath, reduce your ability to taste foods, stain teeth and irritate your gums.
Do you want to quit smoking or help a loved one quit? Check out the American Lung Association for tools, tips and support.
Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth may be a warning sign of gum (periodontal) disease. Gum disease is caused by the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Bacteria can cause toxins to form and irritates your gums. If gum disease is left untreated, it can damage your gums and jawbone or lead to more serious health problems.
Related Article: Diabetes vs. Oral Health: The Battle to Win Your Oral Heath
Many other illnesses and diseases can cause bad breath, including respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia, allergies causing postnasal drip or chronic sinus infections, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, and kidney or liver problems.
Here are some easy ways to start fresh:
Travis A. Roberts and his experienced, friendly team at Adams Dental Group can help you answer the question, how to get rid of bad breath. They offer affordable family dentistry and gentle dental care in the Kansas City, KS area. We have two locations that are conveniently located and offer appointment times Monday through Friday to meet your needs. At Adams Dental Group, we provide most dental services, from family and general dentistry to specialty procedures, including dental implants, dentures, endodontic or root canal treatment, teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Call us at our East location (913) 621-3113 or at our West location (913) 296-8030 to schedule an appointment.
Dr. Travis A. Roberts, DDS July 25th, 2017
Posted In: Periodontal | Gum Disease